University of Florida's Warrington College of Business
Allison Alsup June 24, 2020•Reading Time: 5 minutes
In addition to recommendations from Warrington faculty and staff, we asked alumni what books they recommend reading this summer. Check out their selections below and what you’ll get out of reading each:
The Truth about Employee Engagement
By Patrick Lencioni
“This book will help any new or aspiring manager learn a framework and tools to engage, motivate and retain employees by eliminating the three primary causes of job misery: Anonymity, Irrelevance and Immeasurement.
ANONYMITY: People cannot be fulfilled in their work if they do not feel known. All human beings need to be understood and appreciated for their unique qualities by someone in a position of authority. At first, these three causes may seem obvious and easy to resolve. Yet, they often remain unaddressed by even the most well-meaning managers. Those willing to make the commitment will enjoy a loyal, productive and enthusiastic workforce that will be a differentiator in today’s competitive landscape.
IRRELEVANCE: Everyone needs to know that their job matters to someone—anyone. Without seeing a connection between their work and the satisfaction of other people, an employee will not find lasting fulfillment.
IMMEASUREMENT: Employees need to be able to gauge their own progress and level of contribution. People cannot be fulfilled in their work if their success depends entirely on the opinions or whims of another person.”
I can attest that this book was instrumental in me becoming a stronger manager. Enjoy.”
– Christopher Curcio, BS ’96, MBA ’06, Global SI Alliances Director, ForgeRock
The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America
By Richard Rothstein
“Given the current climate around the racial disparities that still exist in 2020 between Black and white Americans, this is a must-read book. You will find yourself constantly thinking, this has to be fiction… this cannot be real. Every real estate developer, every lender, every policy maker, and anyone who believes racism isn’t a systemic and endemic issue in this country needs to pick up this book. It isn’t always so overt anymore, but the themes of the past continue today. It is so important to understand our history to be able to move forward.”
– Kristin (Laneri) Olson, BSBA ’04, MSF ’05, Vice President, Wood Partners
Remarkable Retail: How to Win & Keep Customers in the Age of Digital Disruption
By Steve Dennis
“If you are in any way involved in a career in retail, this is a must-read. Technology is transforming retail and the way we shop is changing every day, as are the ways that retailers have to adapt to this ever-changing environment. This is an easy book to read (and re-read) and serves as a roadmap for how to adjust in this unprecedented time of disruption.”
– Jay Voorheis, MBA ’14, Analytics Specialist, Zebra Technologies
Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers
By Tim Ferriss
“From this book, alumni and students will learn about how to optimize time management, drive success, turn opportunities into strengths, overcome setbacks, instill confidence in yourself and develop mental toughness.”
– Raul Bernal-Mora, MBA ’18, Advisory Services Platinum Principal Consultant, SAP
Effective Online Teaching: Foundations and Strategies for Student Success By Tina Stavredes “The book highlights practices and considerations for teaching online courses. Tina’s tips and techniques are just as valuable in the workplace as well as in the classroom. Big thumbs up, add this book to your collection of go-to resources.” – Michael Carrillo, DBA ’20
Turn the Ship Around!: A True Story of Turning Followers into Leaders
By L. David Marquet
“The book will provide managers a blueprint for how to lead and empower others by inspiring teams to take responsibility for their own actions.”
– Levi Hensiek, MBA ’19, Senior Principal Engineer, BAE Systems
Business Lessons from a Radical Industrialist
By Ray C. Anderson
“Readers will find that profit and sustainability are not mutually exclusive. As sustainability becomes ever more present in the consumers mind, this is a good introduction to improving the bottom line and benefitting the Earth.”
– Adam Despang, MBA ’20, Climate Corps Fellow, American Red Cross
Conquering Adversity: Six Strategies to Move You and Your Team Through Tough Times
By Christopher Novak
“Christopher Novak understands adversity and what it takes to overcome it. The backdrop for his transformational message is a true-life tragedy when a man high on drugs ran a stop sign and killed Novak’s pregnant wife as she drove home from work. From this unimaginable nightmare, Novak translates valuable insights about moving forward with purpose and passion. These real-world strategies made a difference both personally and professionally in his journey and have inspired thousands of others facing their own challenges. It leaves the reader inspired, empowered and eager to share its impact.
At its core, ‘Conquering Adversity’ is about the hero we all have inside. It’s about rising above the rigors of even the worst crisis. The 6 strategies – Affirmation, Expectation, Communication, Locomotion, Collaboration, Celebration – offer both professional and personal development insights that are perfectly suited to these difficult times. The seamless way this book applies its learning to both self-development and workplace motivation make it a unique resource.”
– Christie Novak, DBA ’19, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Le Moyne College
The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations
By James Kouzes and Barry Posner
“This book explains fives ways to become a better leader. The Young Leaders conference at UF is based on this book and discusses various topics like diversity and professional development.”
– Haven Garcia, BSHE ’19, MSM ’20, Healthcare Consultant, Triage Consulting Group
Let Them See You: The Guide for Leveraging Your Diversity at Work By Porter Braswell “This book talks about the importance of diversity in the work place.” – Juliette Brito, BSBA, MSF ’20, Commercial Banking Analyst, JPMorgan Chase
Article published by University of Florida's Warrington College of Business.